Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Boris - The Thing Which Solomon Overlooked (2004)

Previously on OPIUM HUM:
Boris - Amplifier Worship (1998)

Raw guitar-drone abstractions. The first two tracks glean strange, vicious beauty from feedback and harsh noise as only Boris can, while the third and final track -- a blown-out, extremely down-tuned, extended gaze into the lightless void -- is drone-doom in its purest, most minimal form.

Track listing:
1. Scene 2
2. A Bao A Qui
3. 見せ続ける死角 - The Dead Angle Which It Continues Showing

The evil one which sobs

You should also hear:
Otesanek -
Otesanek (2004)
Sunn O))) -
Rehearsal Demo Nov 11 2014 (2015)


  1. Boris played with Merzow in Tokyo earlier this week and they did a version of A Bao A Qui - great show, best I've seen of them in ten years.

  2. holy shit this might be my favorite boris album i've ever heard. any chance you have the second two?

  3. Please re-up whenever you have a chance
