Friday, October 18, 2013

Tenebrae in Perpetuum - L'Eterno Maligno Silenzio (2009)

Occult Italian black metal. The guitars, drums, and vocals are all soaked in reverb, creating a gigantic, immersive, dramatic sound. And speaking of dramatic, get ready for the clean, semi-operatic vocals: they're so legit, it took me a while to figure out that they're not sampled. L'Eterno Maligno Silenzio is the third and unfortunately final album from this phenomenal band.

Track listing:
1. Percepire La Luce Attraverso Il Sepolcro
2. L'Eterno Maligno Silenzio
3. Dissoluzione In Preghiera
4. Incubo Rosso Cupo
5. Il Morto Cthulhu Aspetta Sognando
6. Dei Corpi Silenti
7. Rapitemi, Anime Della Natura
8. Oltre I Confini Umani

Eternal darkness


  1. I just felt that I needed to show my apreciation for the work you are doing on this blog. I came here for the ECM shit and I discovered black/death/doom metal... (I'm new, can't tell the difference yet). I am particularly fond of this Striborg dude and these melancholy Italians of course. This sound is like a warm shower after a cold dreary day spent on the streets; it allows me to think and be myself again. I just can't get enough of it! Speaking of which, would you consider re-upping some of your previous links? I'd be very curious to hear Lustre - Night Spirit; Hinsidig - I en Tidløs Høst; Svart Crown - Witnessing the Fall; Angantyr - Forvist; and Ulvegr - Аrctogaia. I realize that it's a tall request so I won't hold a grudge if you don't, I've discoverd so much already. Deepest gratitude to you good sir.

    1. Thanks a lot for the positive feedback. I am quite happy to have provided you with a gateway to the hazy sounds of black metal; anyone who digs ECM records and Italian black metal is OK in my book! I've re-upped all of those records, hope you like them.

  2. Yeah, man this is a super blog. The name drew me in and you've turned me on top lots of great stuff. You take care now.

  3. third and final? i bet their 2019 lp came as a pleasant surprise!
