Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Alec Empire - Generation Star Wars (1994)

Debut solo album from German digital hardcore pioneer Alec Empire, perhaps best known as an OG member of Atari Teenage Riot. Here, there's a greater deal of nuance than the work he became known for, as his signature bludgeoning, distorted beats are balanced by lush, at times melancholic synths and strings.

Track listing:
1. Lash the 90ties
2. Stahl & Blausäure
3. 13465
4. Maschinenvolk
5. Sonyprostitutes
6. Blutrote Nacht Über Berlin
7. Pussy Heroin
8. New Acid
9. Smack
10. N.Y.-Summer
11. Konsumfreiheit
12. Microchipkinder
13. Sieg Über Die Mayday-HJ

My body cannot die

You might also enjoy:
Philip Jeck -
Loopholes (1995)
The Third Eye Foundation -
Semtex (1996)


  1. Thank you! This is one of my favs from the DHRs

  2. would be really glad if you posted more hardcore stuff like this.

  3. amazing stuff, thanks again.
    ATR related and seems to have disappeared off the internet... Request for CX KiDTRONIK - Krak Attack (2006). Very unique, densely packed hip hop electro weirdness. Been years since I've heard it..
