Friday, July 7, 2023

Müller • Sugimoto - I Am Happy If You Are Happy (2000)

Low-key, free-form improvisations by the duo of German experimental sound artist Günter Müller and Japanese guitarist Taku Sugimoto. Tentative, ghostly guitar figures against backdrops of gently crackling white noise, alien oscillations, and subterranean pulses.

Track listing:
1. Frozen Memories
2. Snow Pocket
3. Rest and Smile
4. Bright White
5. Cumulus
6. Pitch the Clock

Also listen to:


  1. Whoa thx!! I lack this. For4Ears a bit hard to come by these days....give us more ;)

  2. wow. never heard this and it is wonderful. thankyou!

  3. Wonderful, thank you
