Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Andrea True Connection - More, More, More (1976)

A nice, generous slice of disco nirvana. Airy, laid-back workouts full of big hooks, locked-in grooves, and extended solos. True got her start as a porno actress, which somehow eventually led to her being hired as commercial spokesperson for a Jamaican real estate firm. While she was in Jamaica, the government banned asset transfer to the US, meaning that in order to return to the States, she would have to either forfeit all of her earnings or spend them; she opted for the latter, demoed "More, More, More", the demo got remixed, the remix became a surprise hit, and she landed a record deal. I love that story.

Track listing:
1. Party Line
2. Keep It Up Longer
3. More, More, More
4. Fill Me Up (Heart to Heart)
5. Call Me

If you like this, listen to:


  1. Niiiiiice post, my man!
    I always thought "More More More" was a fuckin' jam as well.
    Thanks for this sweet 12"!

  2. once again your generosity for alternative and inspiring sounds, gives my heart pause; and my head once again explodes!!!


  3. her cover of "sally can't dance" adds some kind of 'nuther layer to her mystique
