Friday, October 2, 2020

Atra - Up-Turning the Curse (2011)

Previously on OPIUM HUM:

Y'all. This year has been fucking trash. Every day has sucked an entire ass. Here in Portland, things have been particularly wretched. Surveillance helicopters circling overhead at night, sound cannons booming day and night, Patriot Prayer driving into town talking about "cleansing" the city (hey great job guys we always feel MUCH safer when you're in town jumping random people in broad daylight) and more recently, a thick haze of smoke that turned the air sour and made everything look brown and sickly.

I'm not sure if I have a point. Maybe it was gonna be something about how we can try to have fun getting distracted by Halloween? Let's give it a shot. Here's some eerie black metal with a bunch of reverb and some spooky cemetery organ. I wish Atra would make another record. Bag it and tag it, boys, another great post in the books!

Track listing:
1. Invocation of the Departed
2. Wander the Absence
3. Up-Turning the Curse
4. Harbinger (Part II)
5. Graveless Apparitions
6. Possession

Also listen to:


  1. Thanks, will check it out. We are past the point where, were we watching life as a movie, we would have chapter skipped/fast forwarded quite a bit. Sabretooth tigers indeed!

  2. Fellow PDXer here, loving this blog. SO much amazing music here. Keep up the great work. It is appreciated.

  3. Good stuff! 2020 has indeed been a dumpster fire and I need Halloween more than ever. This might be an odd request, but do you think you can at some point do a post that highlights your ideal Halloween playlist? I'm all about goth mixtapes this time of the year.

  4. Thank you for all of this.
    Your blog is an anchor of normalcy for me, really.
    It's great to check in here every week to find some new aural thrills, or to re-encounter old friends.
    I value what you do, please know that.
