Friday, October 20, 2023

Bestial Mouths - Bestial Mouths (2013)

Propulsive, synth-heavy post-punk/darkwave with droning, tribal-industrial percussion and a lo-fi, horror-fueled aesthetic that was clearly influenced by the short-lived but sorely missed Witch House scene. The vocals -- trembling, reverb-drenched, Siouxsie-esque incantations -- really tie the room together. 

Track listing:
1. Ceased
2. Reunion
3. Faceless
4. Vatic Vision
5. In Empathy
6. Earth
7. Cloaked
8. Movement
9. Death Rattle

Also listen to:


  1. Really good stuff, don't know how I missed this when witch house was a thing. Appreciate you managing to provide us with some spooky season content despite everything else you got going on!

  2. Thank you very much!
