Friday, October 13, 2023

O.L.D. - Lo Flux Tube (1991)

O.L.D. - The Musical Dimensions of Sleastak (1993) + Formula (1995)
Lotus Eaters - Alienist on a Pale Horse (2001)
Khlyst - Chaos Is My Name (2006)

Just rewatched Brainscan and a few takeaways: 1) What a confused movie. It's like it wants to be both this dark psychological thriller examining dissociation from self via violent entertainment and a made-for-TV teen movie, then on top of that there's this utterly ridiculous, borderline Robin Williams-type character eating raw chicken and jamming out to Primus? 2) Really fun and dumb, and worth a watch if you like 90s horror, but talk about an anticlimax. 3) Great soundtrack.

Which brings me to O.L.D., whose unhinged take on industrial metal does some heavy lifting during the film's first and grizzliest murder scene. The scene actually features excerpts from the first two tracks on the above-linked The Musical Dimensions of Sleastak, but I've already posted that, obviously. And Lo Flux Tube is ultimately probably my favorite anyway.

Track listing:
1. Outlive
2. Disconnect Self
3. Citient Null
4. Lo Flux Tube
5. Vein Water
6. Marzuraan
7. Disassemble
8. Z.U.
9. Outlive Again (Ganglehea Mix)

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  1. I watch Brainscan around this time every year, and every time I do, I find myself on a massive OLD kick. Great post.

  2. i wonder, what could be the favourite horror films of our DEAR_SPIRIT?

    1. I'm way less of a film buff than I am a music nerd so there aren't gonna be a lot surprises here. And as you'll see, my tastes tend towards the low-brow. That said, here's a quick list:
      • Suspiria
      • The Beyond (honestly, pretty much any Argento/Fulci film from this era)
      • Creepshow
      • Evil Dead 2
      • Ju-On: The Curse
      • Silent Night, Deadly Night
      • Videodrome
      • Hellraiser II
      • House of 1,000 Corpses
      • The VVitch
      • Antichrist
      • Return of the Living Dead
      • Dead Alive/Braindead
      • Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight (I know it's dumb, I fuckin love it tho)

      Probably the most scared I've ever been by a movie was Inside/À l'intérieur, which is about an anonymous maniac terrorizing a pregnant woman in her own home. I haven't rewatched it, and I was high on weird drugs at the time, so who knows if it's actually any good.

    2. thanks for the list, lots of classics. since you mentioned suspira (i hope it's the old one): i want to rewatch it. the last time i saw the film was as a child. my parents went out and let me watch it because they thought it was a fantasy film and it terrified me back than. let's see if it still does. for me it's the other way around: i'm more a film freak than a music nerd so i'm very glad that you feed me with toxic music every now and then.

    3. Oh yes, definitely the old one. I did like the new one, but it never had a shot at topping or even coming close to matching the original. I wouldn't say the OG Suspiria is terrifying so much as 1) it is the ultimate form of the surreal Italo-horror aesthetic, 2) it has at least two of the best death scenes of all time, and 3) Goblin's score is the best horror soundtrack ever made.

    4. You should check out Hell House LLC and The Houses October Built. Both were nice surprises for me. Found footage, if that makes a difference.

  3. OLD were the business, I used to pop on Sleastak to wig out my straight metal head friends when we used to get wasted in high school. Ah, memories. I wanna watch Brainscan now too, it has been waaaay too long. Peak Eddie Furlong imo 😜

  4. No one realizes these OLD albums were not synth/sampler based at all. Sonically it was all realtime guitar and bass along with a drum machine. There were NO synths or samplers on these records. Just some weirdo maniacs in NJ going apeshit with their guitars and effects live.
    It's so sonically dense and intense. I'm still in awe trying to figure it out

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    Cheers! Patrick (Viacomcmdoyt)

  6. Just wanted to recommend Alan Dubin( the singer )`s lastest Band (as far as I know), Gnaw. If Unnerving was a Genre, this would be it.
