Saturday, October 7, 2023

Plasma - Gorefuck (2000)

Dang, the Halloween season is slipping like blood, stomach acids, and miscellaneous human viscera through my fingers. I'm still very much preoccupied with my job search and will be for the foreseeable future, but I refuse to completely leave y'all hanging like dismembered corpses in a shed out back.

So in honor of the holiday that makes all of my creepiest tendencies temporarily socially acceptable, here's Plasma, who make some of the most disgusting, sloppy, amateurish gore metal I'll ever post on here. Chugalug guitars, plodding drums, and creaky, clogged drain vocals slapped together with practically no regard for composition or musicality. It's like they heard Mortician and were like, "Hey, that's pretty good, but I wish it wasn't so cerebral." And flat-out refused to spellcheck their song titles.

The Anon who called Mincer "CRAP" (their emphasis) is really gonna hate this one.

Track listing:
1. Koprostatic Cunt Catharr
2. Larva Infested Clitoral Melanom
3. Saprogenic Vaginal Canal
4. Drastic Totalextirpation of Female Genital
5. Sordes and Pus in Vaginal Gore
6. Imminent Vulva Dissection
7. Feast Upon Carcinogenic Vaginal Tissue
8. Purulent Inflamation of Clitoral Abscess
9. Metrektomie
10. Unrecognized Decapitated Crania
11. Corpse Devourer
12. Exttirpationed Vagina
13. Molodrous Inquest
14. Ulcerating Vagina

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