Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Ancient Ceremony - P.uritan's B.lasphemy C.all (2004)

German melodic black metal that also takes liberally from gothic, and death metal. For me, everything this band has done lands in the good-to-pretty-great range, with the exception of P.uritan's B.lasphemy C.all, which completely blows the rest of their discography out of the water. Maybe it's the new drummer, who gives them a much-needed ass lift; maybe it's the guitars, which are way gnarlier than before; maybe it's the beefier yet raw-er production. Who knows. Maybe it's the weirdly emotional-hardcore-sounding vocals. Whatever it is, this is a perfect example of that things bands do where they all of a sudden perfect their sound on their last release before splitting up. Strangely, the last track on here is actually a remaster of a track from their debut EP, suggesting that they always had this in them.

Track listing:
1. Te Deum
2. P.uritan's B.lasphemy C.all
3. Raped Paradise
4. The Black Flame
5. Diabolos Temptation
6. God and Idol

More along these lines:


  1. Haha, der Anderle.
    That's an unexpexted but nice surprise to find a local Band out of this godforsaken region here on your Blog.

    1. Ich war auch gerade etwas verwundert...

  2. Haha, der Anderle.
    That's an unexpected but nice surprise to find a local band out of this godforsaken region on your blog.

  3. Hi Spirit!
    I'm desperately trying to find the digital tracks of the first Ludicra double LP 'Hallow Psalms'. Would you, by any chance, happen to have those discs or know of another blog that might?

    1. Just did a quick post about it, enjoy!

    2. https://archive.org/details/Ludicra_Live--Mission-Records-09-March-2002/media/user/SCRAPE/escape-is-terminal-scrape/2013-09-ludicra/extracted/ludicra+09+march+02/03+03.mp3 One of their first shows at Mission Records
