Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Michael Shrieve & Steve Roach - The Leaving Time (1988)

Out of print collaborative effort between Michael Shrieve (best known as the drummer for Santana) and ambient/new age/space music pioneer Steve Roach. Tribal rhythms, chiming synths, jagged guitars. Dramatic, soothing, and gloriously dated.

Track listing:
1. The Leaving Time
2. March of Honor
3. San Diego
4. Theme for the Far Away
5. Tribes
6. Big Sky
7. Edge Runner
8. The Leaving Time (Reprise)

Falling, flying, dreaming


  1. Sweet! Been wanting to hear this for ages...many thanks!

    1. Yeah, me too, it took me forever to find it! I ended up getting pretty much everything Steve Roach has ever recorded, so if you have any requests, let me know.

  2. Second best collab this guy ever did. Shrieve is one of the few very open minded drummers to ever record electronica his early stuff was with Stomu Yamashta and Klaus Schulze. This album takes things 10 notches out there into synth wonderland. You should seek out The Big Picture a disc he made with David Beal. ALL synth are played via midi no actual keys and the music is damn fine almost cinematic.Thanks for sharing this stuff and getting the word out on American electronic music after all Tangerine Dream has had enough promotion!!

    1. Way ahead of you! http://opiumhum.blogspot.com/2013/05/michael-shrieve-david-beal-big-picture.html
      Thanks for the comment and the recommendation!

  3. Hey, it looks like the host is having issues. Would you be willing to re-upload this album?

  4. Can we get a link for Steve Roach/Robert Rich - Soma??? It'd make my day.

    1. Sure, here: https://www83.zippyshare.com/v/UjflQ9U4/file.html
      I actually had posted "Soma" years ago but I got a copyright complaint and had to take it down

  5. Thanks for this! I downloaded it like a month ago, and it's been basically all I've been listening to. Such a wonderful record.

  6. Heard this was a good one, so look forward to it. Thanks, for posting, Spirit.
