Sunday, October 6, 2013

Igor Wakhévitch - Logos (1970) + Les Fous d'Or (1975)

Two albums of unsettling modern classical and experimental electronic music from French composer Igor Wakhévitch, who surely deserves a better writeup than this, but I have shit to do.

Track listing:
1. Ergon
2. Minéral - Végétal - Animal
3. Homo Sapiens Ignorabimus
4. Initiation (1ère Partie)
5. Initiation (2ème Partie)
6. Delirium
7. Danse Sacrale
8. Point Omega (Mort Ou Résurrection)
-Les Fous d'Or-
1. Cornerstone - Twilight and Call of the Ascending Spirit
2. Arrival of the Magic Doll
3. Rites of the Doll
4. Les Fous d'Or - Henry the Fool of the Doll
5. Eve Speaks
6. Ritual of the Master of the Doll

No dreams tonight