Thursday, March 13, 2014

Skin Chamber - Wound (1991) + Trial (1993)

Ladies and gentleman, Skin! Mother! Fucking! Chaaaaamberrrrrr! Holy shit. They're like a more grueling, unpleasant version of Godflesh, or a more doom metal-oriented version of early Swans, and anyone who likes either of the aforementioned bands, or slow, heavy, difficult music in general, absolutely needs to hear both of these records. Skin Chamber is easily one of the raddest bands that the once-great Illogical Contraption blog (their podcasts are rad, but the blog has been more or less nonexistent since 2011 or something) brought to my attention, and because those links are long dead, I feel that it's practically my duty to re-post them. Spread the pain.

Track listing:
1. Carved in Skin (Apt. 213)
2. Slice of God
3. Sucked Inside
4. Skin Me
5. Mind Grinder
6. In the Sewer of Dreams
7. Burning Power
8. The Nails of Faith
9. Fat Hacker
10. Horde
11. Swollen Underground
12. Swallowing Scrap Metal (Pt. 2)
13. Healing Time
1. On a Drunk
2. Throb
3. Bleached Bones
4. Torturous World
5. Sloven
6. Glisten
7. Slowcrime
8. Trial
9. Swallowing Scrap Metal (Pt. 5)



  1. Also check out controlled bleeding for some difficult industrial noise. I believe one of the guys is from that band.

  2. Hey, nice blog you've got here! Thanks for the Ill Con shoutout! ;-)

  3. "a more grueling, unpleasant version of Godflesh"

    Oh, yes yesss!

  4. Lyrics for sucked inside? Ive loved that track since i was a kid and i cant find anything on it

  5. HORDE!!! 'Wound' scared the utter living shit out of me when I was 14! Definitely time to revisit this one...

  6. If you like Skin Chamber you should check out Body Clock. It was a side project of band member Chris Moriarty. The other member Paul Lemos plays guitar on some songs. Both are originally from Controlled Bleeding. The Body Clock album Grip Life features a very different version of the Skin Chamber song Torturous World. I recently heard that Paul Lemos will Reissue both Skin Chamber albums with previously unreleased extra songs this year and will also reissue the Controlled Bleeding albums Trudge and Penetration with extra songs too.

  7. Christdriver is a good listen too.
    Also Dogpile.
