Friday, August 4, 2023

Philip Samartzis - Mort aux Vaches (2003)


I'm back from a long trip that was just a little too emotionally and physically demanding to call a "vacation." Looking for a job and studying for the CPA exam are gonna be occupying much of my free time in the coming weeks and months, so expect even more sporadic posting. But in the here and now, enjoy these engrossing experimental sound pieces by Australian composer Philip Samartzis. Describing them would sorta take away from the fun of hearing their sound pallets expand and explode, so I'm not going to.

Track listing:
1. Variable Resistance
2. Deconstructed Windmills
3. Soft and Loud

You should also listen to:


  1. Samartzis is amazing - top pick this one!

  2. Mort Aux Vaches is common French term which translates as Death to Pigs, meaning yes, the police.

    1. Nice! I know a very, very little bit of French and knew that "vaches" is French for cows, happy to hear that it translates that way. Also, in this case, it's the name of a series of uniformly excellent albums.

    2. Vaches refers to cows not pigs, even two legged ones.

    3. From my little bit of research, I think it's one of those things where that's how it would translate. Translated literally, it would be "death to cows," but its usage in French refers to authority figures/police, so translating it to English as "death to pigs" makes more sense.

  3. Hey opiumhum thank you so much, you are my favorite music blog ever and have always put me on to something good whenever ive checked in over the years.

  4. How far can the Australian posts go!? hehe, nice one again - thanks

  5. Thanks yet again ... for this & the Mort Aux Vaches bandcamp link
