Thursday, September 15, 2022

School of Emotional Engineering - School of Emotional Engineering (2004)

The only album by this short-lived project, which mostly served as a live vehicle for experimental composer Ben Frost's solo material. An evocative, textural collision of classical minimalism, drone, and abstract post-rock. It's kinda fucked up that this is the first Ben Frost record I've posted.

Track listing:
1. To Be Continued...
2. ... Refrain
3. Falling for Sylvia
4. Of Angel Dust...
5. ... Refrain (Bloodline)
6. Redline
7. She Dreams in Car Crashes
8. Slicing the Skin Between My Toes

Also listen to:


  1. It's actually criminal that you haven't posted Ben Frost before ha ha

    This one was awesome, but you should also have a listen to Steel Wound, the album before this one if you haven't heard it before, bloody brilliant record that. I mean, the first of MANY bloody brilliant records to be accurate! It was one of the early releases on Lawrence English's Room 40 label, and its well worth tracking down.

    1. I have definitely heard Steel Wound, it's probably my favorite Ben Frost record. Been a fan for a long time, just never got around to posting. I went with this one because I figured that maybe less people have heard it.

    2. Good choice, it's a top album this one and totally agree i reckon it gets overlooked a lot

  2. Thanks so much for the amazing stuff you post. I lurk quite a bit. If you ever get the time, please check out what I do. A labour of love pretty much. Thanks again.

  3. GuessImStuckHereTHXlifeSeptember 17, 2022 at 5:14 PM

    This is going to be excellent, I'm excited and thank you in advance! Big Ben (not the bell) errrr big *Ben Frost fan here as well, yet I never heard this project - am I even a big fan then, or just a putz? Not sure. Listened to "By The Throat" a lot during the height of covid, not exclusively but it was one of many albums that resonated strongly. I once posted By The Throat on one of my blogs, and the first comment I got was about how very derivative Frost is; I was pissed, why I took it personally I don't know, never even had the pleasure of seeing/meeting mr. Frost. I'm an unhinged fellow ;)
    In summation, thank you for the post, and sorry for my stoopid comment!! :-)

    1. First off, no need to apologize. Second, I get comments like the one you described from time to time, and I will NEVER understand why people feel the need to leave them. The music that we listen to can mean a lot to us, and it can really strike a nerve to share something like that with the world and have some rando just take a shit on it. I think the golden rule of giving unsolicited negative opinions on the internet should be that your take has to be funny, insightful, or substantial enough to spark an actual discussion. Hopping into a comment section to say "I actually find Ben Frost rather shallow and pedantic" is obnoxious and boring. Finally, thank you for your comment, and By the Throat is fucking AMAZING

    2. GuessImStuckHereTHXlifeSeptember 19, 2022 at 2:42 AM

      Hello again D_S, just stopping in to say this album is everything I could've hoped for. Still scratching my gas-giant of a head (makes sense to me) that I never knew about it. Other than that......just wanted to relate that it made me happy to find a response from you. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, needless to say I agree :) I have adored your blog from the start, for me it's like going inpatient at a psychiatric 'hospital' *except* here there's actual efficacy. Odd way to put it I'm certain but well it's true. This blog is a real refuge
      man, thank you over & over.

  4. I'm not familiar with this but I do like Ben Frost so I'm going to listen. Many thanks!

