Friday, January 1, 2016

Jean-Luc Ponty - Electric Connection (1969)

Previously on OPIUM HUM:
Jean-Luc Ponty - Cosmic Messenger (1978)

Let's get the year started right, shall we? Electric Connection has hints of the space-brained fusion of later Ponty releases, but overall sticks much closer to straight-ahead hard bop. Led by a violinist, of course. Energetic and remarkably fresh-sounding.

Track listing:
1. Summit Soul
2. Hypomode Del Sol
3. Scarborough Fair / Canticle
4. The Name of the Game
5. The Loner
6. Waltz for Clara
7. Forget
8. Eighty-One

We stand in sapphire silence


  1. Great stuff, I've only heard Ponty's later solo albums. Should be good. Happy new year!

  2. Very nice! Thank you!

  3. Love love love Ponty...but didn't have this album. Thank you!!!!!
