Friday, January 29, 2016

Mikami Kan - ひらく夢などあるじゃなし 三上寛怨歌集 (1972)

Japanese folk rock. Pretty sure he's a bit of an underground legend in Japan, but I know virtually nothing about Mikami Kan, and given that he sings solely in Japanese, I don't even know what he's singing about. His vocals, however, are awesome, ranging from a near-whisper to a quavering wail to (most often) a hoarse scream juxtaposed against a driving but generally 'nice-sounding,' simple musical backdrop of acoustic guitar, piano, bass, and drums.

Track listing:
1. あなたもスターになれる
2. ひびけ電気釜!!
3. 痴漢になった少年
4. 股の下を通りすぎるとそこは紅い海だった
5. パンティストッキングのような空
6. 一人の女のフィナーレ
7. 昭和の大飢饉予告編
8. 誰を怨めばいいのでございましょうか
9. 夢は夜ひらく
10. 故郷へ帰ったら
11. 気狂い
12. 夜中の2時
13. 五所川原の日々
14. 青森県北津軽郡東京村
15. 葬式

Blood of the lamb


  1. New to me...can't wait to hear. Thanks as always.

  2. Thanks for posting! Are you into experimental film/theater? He was a collaborator of Shûji Terayama...!

  3. amazing! I tried to track down other albums but I only found some releases from 2004-2007, which I didn't like that much, they were more bluesy and experimental than "Hiraku...". If you find any more Kan Mikami releases from the 70's, don't hesitate to post!

  4. amazing, yeah... but zippyshare is dead
